Saturday, August 12, 2006

Look I am sorry it is crazy round here still trying to get unpacked. Mommy got my room so I can sleep in it now!!!! She just says she needs to get it set up cute. It's coming along dad and mom say slowly but I dont see any problems I can work on my crawling skills I can go backwards and rock back and forth on my knees but when I try to go forwards I have to throw myself and then I fall and that doesnt fly to well. Gotta go for now we get high speed net next week so I will put up pictures up then
I miss everyone and cant wait to see everyone again soon and be safe out there grandpa S congrats on the Chief thing not sure what it is but I am happy cause I know it is a good thing
Lobe ya all


1 comment:

liberal army wife said...

punkin, that crawling thing will come with time... honest. Your daddy went backwards too, used to get himself into corners in his crib and not be able to turn around. got VERY cranky... like he is now when he read this!!!!

Wish I could see your room! let me know what you need for the room, ok? love you soooooooooooo much

Nana K.