Thursday, July 31, 2008

hi everyone

sorry i havent posted anything as of late, but i have been learning how to use the potty, how to swim, and keep running my daddy ragged.

but this is only a short post. The pictures of me are taken by my new sitter, Net. the boy there is her son, Thai, and we love to go up slide!

love you all and a big ZOT!! to chief. daddy is telling my its time for dinner.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hello all sorry I know it has been a berry long time since I have posted. Well quick update before bed. I am saying my ABC's I can almost count to 20 I still miss a few but I have 1-13 down!!!! My latest adventure was going to see Nana K and Chief I also got to meet Omi and Poppy that was awsome! Daddy and Mommy got to go tour Washington DC and I stayed with everyone else!!!!!!! I had so much fun and got sooooooooooooo spoiled. I miss them now that we are home. I wish we could have stayed longer but not only did they wear me out as you can plainly see! =-D I did the same. I am kinda high maintenance. Ok so that is an understatment I am a drama queen and when I get sleepy well then beware . Speaking of I need to jet off to bed now but I promise I wont wait that long again to post!

Love to all!


Monday, February 04, 2008

Hello all! Well it has been brought to my attention that it has been a long time since I posted. Sorry bout that I have been berry busy. Lets see a quick run down before bed. Well since Christmas I have "grown like a weed" I am talking up a storm saying new words every day! Into everything. I should be ready for a big girl bed soon and to use the big girl panties (as soon as mommy can find some that are not 2T) She says not all toddlers that are 2 can wear 2T especially me I am still in 18 months! I so little! But that adds to my cute-ness! Ok everyone got sick I had croup yuck but we all seem to be better. Its just everyday seems to go by so fast I no sooner get out of bed before I have to be back in it again. I threw out my binky the other day! I dont ask for it much anymore but mommy asked me to put it in the trash and I did! Other than that not much here! I think I will go off to bed now I need a nap. Lobes and Kisses to all!
Love RayneBug
Ps: these pictures are a preview of what should come to you soon in the mail =D Love ya!