Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hello again all! Its me the Bug sorry been busy round here I know I need to get on this more I just have such a busy schedule you know with the playdate/sitter and mommy and daddy. Seeing Grrrrma and naps and lunches and outings you know the busy life of a Drama Queen Bug! I may not make the papers but I need to! I have a very social life! So lets see what is the deal with me now. I am walking now as you know! I say lots of words and I got over my four letter word phase with just the one word o-s#$t said that for about a week and then no more! Dad and mom are happy about that. I now say a good word in place well it has four letters too so I don't know what they are talking about Lobe oh well I will figure it out some day! I have some good news according to my sources my Grandpa Chief should be getting out of the litterbox soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And should be coming to see ME! I know its all about me you would think I was a movie star! I should be my mommy says I am gorgeous everyday! Well it is long past my bed time so I will hiyo at you later! This is a lovely pic of me and daddy one of these days I will sit still with mommy long enough for daddy to take our pic! hehehehehehehehehe

Lobe Lobe Lobe
